Acupuncture & Chinese Herbs



Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese form of medicine that involves the insertion of tiny, virtually painless needles into points on the body.

The points are located on specific energetic pathways or meridians on the body that relate to different organ systems.

When Qi, or energy that flows through these meridians, becomes out of balance, disease, pain and stress can occur.

Acupuncture works to realign the body back into harmony by stimulating these points and regulating the flow of Qi.

Acupuncture is beneficial for the prevention and alleviation of many internal disorders, symptoms and pain.


Chinese Herbal Medicine

Chinese herbal medicine has been used effectively and safely for thousands of years.

When used in proper dosages and in specific individualized formulations, herbs are extremely powerful and rarely have side effects.

Chinese herbs promote the body’s restoration to a normal balance by stimulating the Qi and blood to move freely and with proper force.

These herbs should only be used when prescribed by a licensed practitioner to avoid complications.